Solar inverter: the complete guide to everything

In addition to solar panels, another essential element of a solar installation is the solar inverter. Are you interested in generating your own solar energy? The inverter’s role is to convert the direct current produced by the solar panels into alternating...

Solar Power

The technology used to harness the sun’s energy : solar power maroc and make it usable is called solar energy. In 2011, the technology produced less than one-tenth of one percent of the world’s energy demand. The technology is known to many as photovoltaic...

How does O&M add value to solar power plants O&M ?

Energy Handle changed its focus following the implementation of various organizational changes in 2020. It has three business units: the development department, EPC as well and power plants O&M. These three departments have been functioning independently, drawing...

Morocco launches the first floating solar power plant.

The Moroccan company “Handle Energy”, which specializes in the renewable energy and efficiency sector, said that the first floating solar power plant will be launched within the next few weeks.The company confirmed that this innovative project, which is under...